Over 140 students choose to make a difference

Posted on Dec 10, 2014 in Learn to lead

At St. Anne’s Catholic School and Sixth Form College in Southampton, there are now over 140 self-elected students spread over eleven Learn to lead teams that aim to make a difference to the school community in the area they have chosen.

The teams have had a morning’s training in which they have learnt how to action plan, write agendas, take minutes and work together as a team to meet the aims they set themselves for the year. They will be run by the students for the students without direct intervention by members of staff. The teams for this year include:

The “Learning” Team which aims to support teachers, pupils and parents in how students learn best when at school.

The “Fish Care” Team which aims to care for the fish in the school pond.

The “Friendly/Fun Teams” in Years 7, 8 and 9 which aim to provide social activities for other students in their year.

The “Care for the Sixth Form Common Room” Team which aims to improve the quality and comfort of the common room for both them and future students.

The “Young Interpreters” Team which aims to support both students and parents whose first language is not English.

The “World War One” Team which, on the centenary of the start of the Great War, aims to raise awareness of it within the school and ultimately organise a trip to the battlefields in Northern France.

We look forward to hearing how the teams develop, keep up the good work !

Care for the Common Room Team