4 February

The Camphill Village Trust Regional Forum

People from Botton and Larchfield travelled to the Croft to join in the latest regional forum, organised by members of the Croft good support team. The team were keen to ensure that the forum was fun, informative and most importantly that every person attending had the opportunity to be involved in sharing what is important […]

2 February

Critchill School Film Team get a Warner Brothers Experience  

Posted in Learn to lead

Critchill School ended 2014 with a non-uniform day to raise funds for Learn to lead, Film Teams upcoming trip to Warner Brothers Studio Tour, The making of Harry Potter. Pupils decided they wanted to see where the films were made, experience Green Screen filming and even try ‘Butterbeer’! To ensure they raised enough funds to […]

31 January

Learn to lead, Cornwall – Working in Schools, Organisatons and Community Groups

Throughout 2014, a number of different training events have taken place, which have resulted in over 80 people becoming trained Learn to lead Facilitators countywide to a variety of organisations and schools.  Here are just a few examples how learn to lead is working in Cornwall Marlborough School – whole school training In September 2014, all staff […]

17 December

Team created to help children affected by the Chernobyl crisis

Posted in Learn to lead

The Zashirye Link is a Learn to lead Team at the Blue School, Wells whose main aim is to establish a strong link with a school in Zashirye, Belarus where the Chernobyl Reactor exploded 26 years ago. We created the group to help children affected by the Chernobyl crisis and to learn about the difference […]

17 December

Co-production with Sturts Farm Community Trust

Posted in Learn to lead

During November, Learn to lead began working with  Sturts  Community Trust which is an exciting venture based on a  90 acre working organic biodynamic farm in Dorset.  Sturts Farm provides land-based work opportunities, individualised support and supported living for adults who have a learning disability. The houses on the farm are part of a housing association, so […]

14 December

Start up your Equalities Teams, 2 day Training – Book now

March 17th & 18th 2015 – Booking Now The Learn to lead ‘Equalities Team’ in Chew Valley School is becoming well known for its success in changing homophobic attitudes  and having a huge impact on reducing bullying. This began as a project to support women and children suffering abuse and violence in the home. This escalated into counteracting […]

10 December

First Set of teams trained at Bridge learning Campus, Bristol

Bridge Learning Campus, Hartcliffe, Bristol has had a busy couple of months. Although Learn to lead is very much in it’s early stages, their first sets of teams have now been trained and include: Anti-Bullying Support Fundraising Quiet Team Dance Team BLC Radio Better Food Team   The teams have just started meeting on a […]

10 December

Over 140 students choose to make a difference

Posted in Learn to lead

At St. Anne’s Catholic School and Sixth Form College in Southampton, there are now over 140 self-elected students spread over eleven Learn to lead teams that aim to make a difference to the school community in the area they have chosen. The teams have had a morning’s training in which they have learnt how to […]

1 December
16 November

We can do, We will do, We are doing

Learn to lead teams The Camphill Village Trsut demonstrated initiatives designed to help them shape and steer both their support and the charity’s future direction. Confident presentations, fun activities and a chance to meet and build new friendships characterised the day in Larchfield Community. Teams from Larchfield Botton and the Croft described regular sessions in […]