Learn to lead has been running in the Tidworth Cluster of Primary Schools since March 2012 working with both service and non-service children living in the Armed Service Community (supported by both the local authority and local university).
Within each school pupils formed teams to identify aspects within their schools which they wanted to improve; activities have included:
• Re-organising the layout of classrooms in order to improve behaviour
• Setting up interest clubs i.e. art, sports, decoration
• Fund raising for a range of resources from a sofa for their book corner to new equipment
• Developing a school newspaper
• Involvement in building projects, redesigning and renovating new areas within their school.
At the celebratory event the local MP, Claire Perry, listened to a group of pupils from each of the four schools involved presenting some of their projects, the impact they thought their work had made and how they felt they had changed. For example:
“I follow up things” “I feel adults listen” “I feel safer” “I’ve learnt to write letters” “I think about other people”
“I’m more caring” “We help each other” “I’ve become less shy” “I’ve become more confident” “I learnt about budgeting”
Some pupils are joining the area Youth Advisory Group, ensuring young people have a say in their community.